Delegator Resources.

Tools for the Delegation Virtuosos of The Graph

Do you want to master the art of delegating? We’ve got you covered with this selection of the finest tools, articles and video tutorials for Delegators of The Graph Network.

Tools and Dashboards

Indexer APY, effective cuts, stats about subgraphs.

Historic ROI of Indexers, rebate ratio, curation stats etc. More

Pending Indexer rewards and allocated stake.

Historical and live data on the network.

Tracks statistical and historical data for Indexers and Delegators

Reward calculator for Graph daily rewards


Revards Navigator

Calculate delegation profits. By Juan/Protofire

Compare Indexers

Easy to use calculator to compare indexers

Token Release

Vested GRT token release for Curators/Indexers

Staking Profit

Calculate your monthly staking profit and tax

Video Guides

Step-by-step video tutorials on everything you need to know as a Delegator. All videos can be found here: Video Guides.

Guides for Delegators

What is a Delegator?

Learn what role Delegators play in the network. Find out more

Choosing Indexers

Excellent strategies to select the best Indexers

Calculating Returns

Find out how you can calculate your delegation returns

Delegating GRT Tokens

Step-by-step guide on how to delegate to an Indexer

Effective Cuts

Learn what the effective cut of an Indexer is