Curator onboarding
Learn more about Curation Shares.
As we have learned in the Introduction to Bonding Curves, the function of a token bonding curve can be used as cryptoeconomic primitive to coordinate the work of network participants so that shared goals can be accomplished.

What are Curation Shares?
Curation shares are the continuous tokens The Graph uses to incentivize curators towards the shared goal of identifying quality data sources. The curation shares are managed by The Graph’s bonding curve contract.
These are the properties of The Graph’s curation shares
Curation in The Graph Network.
The Graph Network uses a bonding curve to coordinate the work of curators to achieve the shared goal of indexing the contents of quality subgraphs. Curators are incentivized in an economic game to identify high-quality subgraphs with attractive earning potentials and try signal on these subgraphs early on.
The Graph’s Bancor bonding curve
To accomplish the goal of incentivizing Curators towards the shared goal, The Graph uses a Bancor bonding curve for curation. Instead of issuing tokens, the bonding curve of The Graph Network issues curation shares. As a curator, you can buy (i.e. “mint”) or sell (i.e. “burn”) the curation shares of a particular subgraph in order to signal on it or unsignal it.
The curation shares of The Graph Network are managed by bonding curve contracts. These smart contracts continuously calculate the price of the curation shares depending on the share supply.
Inherent Risks.
Curators that are able to signal on a quality subgraph with an attractive earnings potential early on receive a greater share of the subgraph’s generated query fees.
The value of curation shares of early curators increase proportionally to an increase of share supply. This means that an early curator benefits from an increasing share value if other curators start signaling on the subgraph.
However, curation is not without risks: