Hosted Service

Fully phase out Hosted Service Subgraphs End of Q1 2023.

End of Q1 2023

At the end of Q1 2023, subgraphs will no longer be supported for any chain that is integrated with the decentralized network. Engineers across core developer teams and The Graph Foundation will support the phasing out of the Hosted Service APIs to make the transition as seamless as possible.

Migration Support

The Graph Foundation works with all the developers in the ecosystem to fully migrate to the Graph’s decentralized network. If you have any questions about migration, feel free to reach out to the team at any time:

Additional Support for Migration

Explore subgraphs and interact with the protocol

Here you can find a step-by-step guide to migrating your subgraph to the decentralized network.

For a decentralized community of Delegators, Indexers, and Curators, general information and supports, check out Graphonauts the Graphonauts page here and on Twitter. You can also reach out to for assistance.

For a decentralized community of Delegators, Indexers, and Curators, general information and supports, check out Graphonauts the Graphonauts page here and on Twitter. You can also reach out to for assistance.

Preparing the Network


Over the next several months core developers and The Graph Foundation will be working closely with the Indexer community to prepare for network readiness to support increasing query volume and new chains.

Look out for more information about workshops, tutorials, community programs and other support to help Indexers get ready for the transition. Indexers can begin preparing by diving into these areas:

  • Sharing feedback, best practices the community of Indexers and core developers, ie. Indexer Office Hours, The Graph Forum
  • Stress testing infrastructure for varying query types and volumes
  • Getting familiar with nodes of other EVM and non-EVM chains
  • Reviewing allocation strategies and query pricing models
  • Playing around with Firehose, running Firehose on Ethereum mainnet


Curators stake GRT on subgraphs to signal which subgraphs are most important to Indexers. This is critical during the sunsetting period, as Curators will be the first to support new subgraphs that have migrated to the network.

Curators looking to support during this period can use community resources like Curation Station, Graphscan Dashboard and The Graph Forum to watch the network to see new subgraphs that have recently migrated.


Delegators stake GRT on Indexers, enabling those Indexers to serve more subgraphs and queries, grow their operations, and support the network’s economic security.

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